Stop Government Waste With Our Pittsburgh, PA Federal Whistleblower Lawyer
Federal government fraud, waste, and abuse is a hot topic right now. The majority of government agency fraud, waste, and abuse occurs when companies take government money by lying in some way. It could be a defense contractor using substandard steel to build a boat, a PPP loan recipient lying about how many employees she has, or a healthcare center lying about the procedures it is billing to Medicare or Medicaid. Fraud, waste, and abuse is stopped when whistleblowers, employees like you who are on the ground, directly witnessing the fraud, step forward and say something. Being a whistleblower is difficult but the law does afford you considerable protections. It is important to contact an experienced whistleblower lawyer like our Pittsburgh, PA federal whistleblower lawyer early.
Many federal whistleblower laws both protect you from retaliation and entitle you to, sometimes substantial, compensation. The rewards component of these laws are keyed to the amount of money recovered by the government. For example, under the False Claims Act whistleblowers are entitled to 15-30% of the monies recovered by the government. There are many steps between your initial discovery of fraud, waste, and abuse and any recovery. The Law Offices of Darth M. Newman can help you get there. We invite you to contact us today for a complimentary case review.
Types Of Whistleblower Cases We Handle
The False Claims Act covers waste and fraud that occurs against any federal agency and many individual agencies also administer their own whistleblower programs. However, these laws have strict statutory requirements for whistleblowers, and your road to recovering any compensation can be long and challenging. Our attorneys can guide and support you. Becoming a whistleblower is hard but it can ultimately make a difference across entire industries.
Some of the cases we handle involve individuals who file claims through:
- Federal and State False Claims Acts
- The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) Whistleblower Program
- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
- Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX)
- The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Whistleblower Program
If you are unsure which of these apply to you, don’t worry. Our attorneys can explain which federal protections apply to you and guide you through the requirements of each applicable Act.
Our firm deals with the relevant federal agencies for each step of the process, from filing the initial report through investigation and, if the government investigation uncovers actionable items, trial. We prepare you for what’s to come and give you the information you need to make confident decisions in your own best interest.
How Our Attorneys Protect Whistleblowers
Blowing the whistle on fraud is a courageous act that requires experienced legal guidance. With over a decade and a half of experience litigating high-stakes cases and success in returning millions of dollars to the federal treasury, Attorney Darth Newman provides personalized, strategic support to protect clients’ rights, maximize recoveries, and guide them through every step.
At the Law Offices of Darth M. Newman, we’re committed to protecting people like you who want to do the right thing. Please contact our Pittsburgh federal whistleblower lawyer today for a free consultation.